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American Star

American Cruise Lines

Ship Overview

The American Star entered service in June 2007. Similar to the American Spirit, it will offer guests the same unique style of cruising that has become the hallmark of American Cruise Lines. From charming small towns to gracious southern ports, the American Star will bring guests to places of historic interest and magnificent beauty. Onboard, each guest will be able to unwind in the friendly and accommodating atmosphere created by our staff.

American Star  |  Cruises

7-night Chesapeake Bay Cruise05/23/2024CALL

7-night New England Islands Cruise07/27/2024CALL

7-night Hudson River Cruise10/05/2024CALL

7-night Great Rivers of Florida Cruise12/16/2024CALL

7-night New England Islands Cruise06/07/2025CALL

7-night New England Islands Cruise08/09/2025CALL

7-night Hudson River Cruise10/11/2025CALL

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